Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Its simply magic

Its simple magic

My friend Madhu Madhan and I keep exchanging thoughts now n then that provides some interesting insights to life. Here is one very powerful but yet simple reasoning Madhu has provided a while ago. It happened when Madhu and family were at a Magic show during a weekend.

As narrated by Madhu…

We were at the PC Sorcar Master magic show this weekend. The kids in the group were sitting at the edge of the seat mouths wide open their eyes rarely blinking. My 3 year old started crying thinking they really pushed a sword through a screaming man. On the drive back the grown-ups were exhausted answering questions about 'how was it done' and 'was it real'. I slowly nudged my 7 year old into taking the perspective of magic into the real world and fired back observations at him such as 'Aren't trees growing out of the ground magic?', 'see how magically the flowers bloom and then die', 'imagine how children are born', 'there is so much magic happening around you'. All that got a muted response, but I knew the seed has been sown. I'm a firm believer that familiarity and knowledge rids us of the awe with which we look at the world around us as though it's magic. If we can shed that ego of knowledge or the burden of knowing we can simply enjoy the greatest magic of all that we all live amidst in this world. Let's make a cautious choice to observe atleast one spontaneous magic around us everyday/every week. Then life can be beautiful and enchanting just the way it should be.

Super powerful thought it is...


Veerendra Kumar Raipur said...

Y is it that such simple things leave a huge impact on us...

Ishwar said...

Interesting and thought provoking.

Anonymous said...

Nice read :o)


Anonymous said...

Very nice thought…


Anonymous said...

Amazing! :)

Ramnath Kashikar

Anonymous said...

Very true Senthil…I agree…:)


Anonymous said...

Good one really…

- Saku

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

nice read indeed.
Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Senthil. This is a good one.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the special effort in sharing this thought, Senthil. Simple yet powerful!


Anonymous said...


Liked it very much and I actually got inspired too


Anonymous said...

Thanks Senthil.

- Subbu

Swami Antar Anveshi said...

Thanks for this unsolicited gesture. Happy to find visibility through your blog to my impressions. I'm impressed by the nice audience you've managed to gather here.


Anonymous said...

Hi Senthil,

This is good one… thanks for sending.
Keep them coming.

Have a great year ahead.


Praveen KP said...

Hi Senthil,

I'am a consistent reader of your messages but rarely ever looked at the blog. I followed the link to "simply magic" and wondered why I would be taken to blog content of 2010. The message there, regardless of the date, is indeed timeless.

I felt tempted to share my experience on this not so infrequent experience of a sense of wonder or magic that most of us can relate to. Strangely enough it is vapour, it disappears as magically as it made its presence. All too often we verbalize our experiences and believe that we actually undertood what it is. Call it magic or call it wonder or anything else, it seems to me that we do a great disservice to that which underlies the experience, when we label it as this or that. That is the trap.


Ashish Jain said...

Superb thought....
We ignore so many great things happening around and appreciate small things.... I believe what Amir says in his movie 3 idiots!!!
Our mind is very innocent and "All iz Well" would work even in adverse situations....